#1058482Andrzej=171100203Бедняжка Ваяндиль постепенно превращается в Трефаля. Эй, Ваяндиль, выходи иногда на улицу!#1057322Anonymous=171337585Rhieks, спасибо за перевод :)#1057145RhieksПереводчик=171350306спасибо на добром слове ^^#1057090KorD=171356270Rhieks, отличная работа, так держать!#1057017Anonymous=171362016Эхх, социальное неравенство...#1057011Anonymous=171362372Хах, сова на второй картинке похожа на солдата, бегущего под обстрелом через трупы своих сослуживцев.#1053478RhieksПереводчик=172044741спасибо!#1052095RhieksПереводчик=172296866потому что, во-первых, большинство этих названий не звучит, а во-вторых, этот самый realm здесь имеет значение скорее страны/территории, чем мира/измерения. потому что мир у них далеко не только совиный.
Отредактировано «Rhieks» 09.06.2019 19:19:27
#1051942nelox=172317941честно говоря, ваша любовь к деталям, Rhieks, особенно в свете последнего переправления всех гендерных состыковок, внушает неподдельное уважение)
Не уверен, что оно того стоит, но можно докопаться до святая святых - до названия комикса? Почему "царство", если realm - это мир, измерение, реальность?
Или это уже где-то обсуждалось?#1051935Anonymous=172318791*исполняет сюжетно-поворотный танец*
В разделе "О комиксе": "Также я сделал дизайн этого магического формата публикации"#1051872RhieksПереводчик=172327583Стражи демонстрируют чудеса эффективности. Они не просто ищут. Они находят!#1051599RhieksПереводчик=172397286Thank you too guys. As for male/female Vayandil, I was pretty sure I have noticed earlier mentioning the fictional owl artist as "him", so yes, I have been translating the owl as male til now, knowing though that the human Vayandil prototype is female.
I have gone through all the original pages once more, and surprisingly found none of that. Gee, what a mess. Sorry. Now that it is confirmed they are really both female, I have quite a load of things to fix. Starting with the name translation, OMG!
Sorry for my delay with late pages, going to fix that soon.
Thanks for the explanation. We have a few Russian friends, but haven't had the opportunity to study the language.
Yes! Vayandil and I have many a times thought that it's so wonderful to have Rhieks bringing our comic here! And we have seen the many discussions about what terms to use in the translation. But much like many other things that we feel very blessed about, I don't think we have actually articulated those feelings into words (ÓvÒ)
So thank you for doing this, Rhieks! \(OvO)/#1048739Ronin=172942780Gheralf,
Thank you for the clarification. :-) You see, Russian language differs from English quite a bit, e.g. verbs and adjectives(edit: come to think of it, some of the other parts of speech as well) may have different endings depending on the gender (grammatical) of the noun they refer to (and almost every noun falls to one of the three grammatical genders; curiously, "сова" - owl - is Feminine while "сыч" and "филин" - little owl and eagle-owl (subtypes of owls) - are Masculine). Naturally, it's the same with persons and their speech so that is why this topic came up in the translation discussion.
Thank you very much for the comic. (^_^)
Edit-2(ADDit): Rhieks is doing an excellent job as a translator, both in professional sense and in the way of communicating with readers e.g. deciding how to best convey the very impression of the original. :-)
Vayandil the owl-artist-fictional-person and Vayandil the human-artist-actual-person are both, indeed, female.#1048704Gheralf=172963364(OvO)/ hi
Thank you! We'll continue doing our best in bringing you the wackiest citadels you've ever seen!
And sometimes sentences that don't make any sense (OvO)/#1048348Antiupkvark=173060060Ну, комментарии авторов ведуться от лица их совьих амплуа, а я не уверен, женщина (самка) ли сова-Vayandil#1048094nelox=173096285+1, для меня это тоже стало сюрпризом)#1048087nelox=173096892Wow! I wasn't expecting this for sure)
Just wanted to say, guys I love your work!
Best wishes!
P.S. Myself, I am not reading your stories as a satire for our world. It is just so marvelously on its own logic, and it is fun to imagine that somewhere everything could work completely different. The Owl's way of thinking and reacting to common problems is just hilarious and wonderful, please, keep it like that.
In fact, we have our mundane reality in the point blank, and there is enough of satire already done. Be unique and beautiful that is all I (and I hope other readers) want.
Отредактировано «nelox» 31.05.2019 12:51:17
В свете открывшихся по ходу переписки под предыдущей страницей деталей, наверное, имеет смысл поменять "я уже говорил" на "я уже говорила", ну, и так далее в репликах Vayandil.
(Я про "Anyway, I will do my best to finish my sentence when she returns.")
Не уверен, что оно того стоит, но можно докопаться до святая святых - до названия комикса? Почему "царство", если realm - это мир, измерение, реальность?
Или это уже где-то обсуждалось?
В разделе "О комиксе": "Также я сделал дизайн этого магического формата публикации"
I have gone through all the original pages once more, and surprisingly found none of that. Gee, what a mess. Sorry. Now that it is confirmed they are really both female, I have quite a load of things to fix. Starting with the name translation, OMG!
Sorry for my delay with late pages, going to fix that soon.
Thanks for the explanation. We have a few Russian friends, but haven't had the opportunity to study the language.
Yes! Vayandil and I have many a times thought that it's so wonderful to have Rhieks bringing our comic here! And we have seen the many discussions about what terms to use in the translation. But much like many other things that we feel very blessed about, I don't think we have actually articulated those feelings into words (ÓvÒ)
So thank you for doing this, Rhieks! \(OvO)/
Thank you for the clarification. :-) You see, Russian language differs from English quite a bit, e.g. verbs and adjectives(edit: come to think of it, some of the other parts of speech as well) may have different endings depending on the gender (grammatical) of the noun they refer to (and almost every noun falls to one of the three grammatical genders; curiously, "сова" - owl - is Feminine while "сыч" and "филин" - little owl and eagle-owl (subtypes of owls) - are Masculine). Naturally, it's the same with persons and their speech so that is why this topic came up in the translation discussion.
Thank you very much for the comic. (^_^)
Edit-2(ADDit): Rhieks is doing an excellent job as a translator, both in professional sense and in the way of communicating with readers e.g. deciding how to best convey the very impression of the original. :-)
Vayandil the owl-artist-fictional-person and Vayandil the human-artist-actual-person are both, indeed, female.
Thank you! We'll continue doing our best in bringing you the wackiest citadels you've ever seen!
And sometimes sentences that don't make any sense (OvO)/
Just wanted to say, guys I love your work!
Best wishes!
P.S. Myself, I am not reading your stories as a satire for our world. It is just so marvelously on its own logic, and it is fun to imagine that somewhere everything could work completely different. The Owl's way of thinking and reacting to common problems is just hilarious and wonderful, please, keep it like that.
In fact, we have our mundane reality in the point blank, and there is enough of satire already done. Be unique and beautiful that is all I (and I hope other readers) want.
В свете открывшихся по ходу переписки под предыдущей страницей деталей, наверное, имеет смысл поменять "я уже говорил" на "я уже говорила", ну, и так далее в репликах Vayandil.
(Я про "Anyway, I will do my best to finish my sentence when she returns.")