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Савил, можна одну просьбу?
Я хотел бы, чтоб следующим слоем были Джуманджи 2.
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Так. Теперь уже и зарубежные пользователи разобрались в комиксе лучше Савила и начинают его критиковать :)
Изображение пользователя LunarReaper
Планы внутри планов внутри планов. ))
Изображение пользователя Rav-Baam
#1440792, You know, that sounds like preaching. To the choir.
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I know that and everyone is free to irnore what I say.
I just wanted to say that the story is a bit boring because main characters do stupid things. Their plan literally sounds like "Let's go to the lair of an almighty villain and hope we can beat him".
I also think it would be better to return Jerry to the team. His traits make him a good protagonist, but quite a poor antagonist. He used to do some funny things (for example, stealing a vehicle and leaving a toilet instead). He is also not really stupid. He actually managed to complete his mission in chapter 3 (Inception). And he was actually the only one in charge then.
Изображение пользователя Ingvar
#1440575 That's just like, your opinion, man
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I've spent some time analyzing revents of this comics, and it seems that one thing our heroes (though I doubt I can use word "heroes" to refer to people (birds) with such questionable morality. I mean, they are at least chaotic neutral) REALLY lack is some plans. They are always behaving quite straightforward and don't really think ahead. It looks like it works fine, but there are two major problems.

First: since they only use on-spot decisions, it is not very hard to manipulate them. Tillian manage ro do that, Chaos and 13th are probably doing it right now. Even Jerry, who has bread instead of brain, also managed to make those guys play his game (for some time).

Second: it completely ruins the tension. I mean, how can I worry about that whole "will our heroes manage to what they are planning to do?" thing, if they don't even have a plan? I know they have long-term and middle-term goals, but what about short-term ones? It's a bit boring to read about guys that don't know what they are doing.

I've just finished reading 'WSWfG' comic (the last strip (ever) was pusblished few days ago) and I really think it is actually the best one I've ever read. (And I've read a TON of them.) It really made me feel EMPATHY towards FICTIONAL characters. And I think that the things that make it so good are:

1. Ardon's complicated plans. Author never reveals them until they are done, but characters (well, Ardon at least) are aware of them, so it really gives tension: "Will they manage to accomplish the plan or will they all die in a horrible manner?".

2. Conflicts inside the group. Since half of members are good and their leader is evil, it leads to some dramatic conflict as they are trying to influence each other. This webcomic also has such conflict, but it looks like our group feels free to leave Jerry and they don't want to change his behaviour. And Jerry is just a jerkass. He doesn't have any redeeming (or at least interesting) traits.

3. Frightening villains. WSWfG is one of the few works of art that has villains that make me fear them. I think that's because evil is represented not only by some charachters, but by entire NATION of Eladrin, whose wealth and prosperity is fueled by their horrible, evil deeds.

I've actually noticed that faceless, collective evil is always scarier than even the most horrible villains. (For example, Fire nation from "The last Airbender", Ingsoc from "1984", Ivory Veil from "Anti-Heroes" and so on).

I know that this little anlysis may seem pointless, but I hope anyone would actually gets something useful out of it.

So, really, Savil, how about giving your charachters' actions a little more sense?
What do you think?
Изображение пользователя Zhaconda
Девки в озере купались,
Даже в школу не пошли.
Что-то долго там искали,
Только так и не нашли.
Изображение пользователя Rav-Baam
Also, I think Olaf has already factored in JeCLU's powers and figured out how to deal with him anyway. Last time he was caught off-guard simply due to lack of intel.
Изображение пользователя Rav-Baam
#1440134, These mind-screwing games require an actual mind to screw with, and this is Jerry we're speaking about.
Изображение пользователя Demetriy
Изображение пользователя icannotidea
Но клон знает что оригинал знает все его мысли и стратегии. И может менять свои тактики на непредсказуемые для оригинала (например спросит помошника, бросит кости и так далее). Но тогда оригинал учел бы это.
Изображение пользователя SLunaris
Может ему устроят вечер воганской поэзии?
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Мы придём к Джеклу и скажем, что знаем стопицот стишков про озеро. Он прикажет принести нам табуретку - и это приведёт синему экрану смерти. Потому что в Троне нет табуреток... Ведь в Троне нет табуреток?
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By the way these verse refering to a nature of a character described by the word izvramorph. It is hard to translate, Obviously this is isomorph from original movie, but author desided to twist the concept. The humor is in meaning of word - twist and perverse, whiches may have one translation to russion - izvrashenie. So it is twistomorph or perversemorphs.
Изображение анонимного пользователя
Девки в озере купались -
В объективы попадались.
Изображение пользователя captnemo
гейши купались в озере.
нефритовый стержень попался им на глаза.
блаженство стало превыше знаний.
Изображение анонимного пользователя
"but I'm too afraid to ask"

And it is so rightful decision. Otherwise, your post-college experience will be enriched by the knowledge of one russian swear-verse which our eight-year-olds reads to each other. They are think that this makes them more older.
Изображение пользователя Aritaborian
Девки в озере купались...
Их надежды оправдались!