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DaemonDan =297087583 #129243
Также возможность: Не на самом деле с 2013 года, только делая вид, что тот старый и специальные;)

Also the possibility: Not actually from 2013, just pretending to be that old and special ;)
DaemonDan =297183951 #128523
Hey Amberlight translate this for me please :D

In my apocalypsis, it's not total destruction of everything. It's complete collapse of national and local governments, and the destruction of the global economy. Some local areas survive and do better than others. This town still has some industry and infrastructure (like electricity). I think initially I was planning on this town being Novosibirsk. :)
DaemonDan =297853837 #125064
I can't help with the "I'm sorry" translation. All of your options translate exactly back to "I'm sorry" in English. I don't know the difference between them :)
DaemonDan =298473952 #122307
#122273, Обезглавленный труп Shadowed человек в панели # 1, который был в процессе изнасилования захваченное женщину.

The headless corpse is the shadowed person in panel #1, who was in the process of raping the captured woman.
DaemonDan =298630203 #121701
Skyskreaper, I was trying for sarcasm too, but I don't think it translates well :)
DaemonDan =298651206 #121551
Vengeance, Будьте вежливы: P Не каждый читает все комментарии на каждой странице. Он, наверное, не видел комментарий на предыдущей странице говорим о Самурай Джек.

Be nice :P Not everyone reads all the comments on every page. He probably didn't see the comment on the previous page talking about Samurai Jack.
Отредактировано «Amberlight» 06.12.2014 19:26:28
DaemonDan =298736815 #121189
Amberlight, I don't think the high resolution link is working. Do you need me to send it to you for you to host on some good russian image host?
DaemonDan =298836332 #120783
Это напоминает мне о Самурай Джек много, тоже :)

Художник хотел попробовать что-то совсем другое, и это то, что он сделал.

This reminds me of Samurai Jack a lot, too :)

The artist wanted to try something very different, and this is what he made.
DaemonDan =299518474 #118023
Если кто-то хочет спросить Тензин какие-либо вопросы, я делаю "интервью" с ним: http://demonarchives.com/ask-tenzin-anything/

If anyone wants to ask Tenzin any questions, I'm doing an "interview" of him: http://demonarchives.com/ask-tenzin-anything/
DaemonDan =299685762 #117260
#117250. Hehehe. Maybe ;)