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↓ Валашская библиотека (Старый) – Выпуск №228: Глава. 5 - Страница 228
OK... sounds good... and a lot more easier for me :D,
Original english here:
Original english here:
Отредактировано «TheHereticLocomotive» 10.09.2017 21:43:32
Tanar, I still use google translate for the translation, I no longer have the time to study foreign languages. I don't understand the question though...
Thanks killerbot, but you don't have to worry about what I write in the description box, especially if it's info about something, I usually delete the text in the description when I upload the next page or if the text is no longer valid. I'll keep in mind what you said and write in english.
I've updated to this new version of webcomic on all the sites. Sorry. Besides, this version was my first idea and also, there isn't much differents, I only removed the "hentai" scenes.