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Туканы в мире "Матрицы", "Начала" и кто знает, чего еще...
Рейтинг: PG
Последний выпуск:
=92385034 1221 выпуск ► 0.000 в неделю |
2065 |
Суровые будни небезызвестного торговца в средневековом королевстве
Рейтинг: NR
Последний выпуск:
=214199941 64 выпуска ■ Закончен |
123 |
КомментарииВсего: 292
↓ Глубина заблуждения – Выпуск №1221
> Um, what is Риккимолл?
It's a long story, so I'll try to compress it into a short version.
Rickymall is a large picture which can be found here:
Its fragments were used as voting incentives up to that day. Since the picture is composed of many, many references to pop culture, a group of readers was trying to figure out them all (there's even a dedicated Discord server for that).
Ustus is mentioning 12 references that are still labeled as unrecognized.
It's a long story, so I'll try to compress it into a short version.
Rickymall is a large picture which can be found here:
Its fragments were used as voting incentives up to that day. Since the picture is composed of many, many references to pop culture, a group of readers was trying to figure out them all (there's even a dedicated Discord server for that).
Ustus is mentioning 12 references that are still labeled as unrecognized.
Отредактировано «Savil» 10.02.2022 13:07:48