Rav-Baam Профиль Публикации Комментарии Подписки

Rav-Baam =97773733 #1440085
I think I'm missing something, but I'm too afraid to ask...
Rav-Baam =98371657 #1437707
Is it a toy horse from the "Hogfather"?
Rav-Baam =98454193 #1437337
And in the end MCP and Jerry will both try to consume JeCLU.
Rav-Baam =98738796 #1436021
Wow. Ok, this actually makes more sense.
Rav-Baam =98880131 #1435650
Huh, I haven't learned so much in such a short time since university days.
Rav-Baam =98884290 #1435629
And now I'm stumped: why Jerry expected them to be dusty?
Rav-Baam =98968711 #1435354
#1435300, Technically, he's put in him everything, and not just what's been leading him into temptation.
Отредактировано «Rav-Baam» 07.10.2021 20:17:15
Rav-Baam =98994096 #1435246
IIRC, the mirror was in the Legacy film too.
Rav-Baam =98994181 #1435245
And Olaf has figured it out long ago, judging from his look.
Rav-Baam =99003760 #1435189
Ok, so the one in charge is indeed an incompetent moron.