Rav-Baam Профиль Публикации Комментарии Подписки

Rav-Baam =87755472 #1478706
#1478666, I couldn't wait for their translation to catch up, so I came here.
Rav-Baam =87755615 #1478704
Temperus, Well, he has gone through a Groundhog Day, for starters...
Отредактировано «Rav-Baam» 10.02.2022 16:13:09
Rav-Baam =87771749 #1478635
#1478626б Best case: he's standing there like an idiot since his disk is replaced.
Worst case: he's overwritten and must be restored from backup, otherwise he's gone.
Rav-Baam =87772150 #1478632
Um, what is Риккимолл?
Rav-Baam =88362382 #1476444
#1476441, Set your display contrast to max, it may help.

So, there WAS a way deeper, JeCLU is more competent than Jerry and made it, albeit haphazardly, and now Jerry is lost somewhere.
Now they're in Dogville, and I have no idea what is JeCLU's goal here.
Rav-Baam =88585714 #1475481
I think Tron will shut them down, since he's indebted to Ricky now.
Rav-Baam =90099133 #1469183
#1469176, In other words, just what Jerry needed from this "paradox".

Also, I think I'm missing the joke with the forks.
Отредактировано «Rav-Baam» 14.01.2022 13:15:21
Rav-Baam =90179543 #1468881
#1468874, Well, Jerry is a confirmed moron.

On second thought, that's rather the point: it's not to present a genuine paradox, but to perplex and distract JeCLU with some random and illogical bullshit for long enough to reach his own goal (to steal himself and the gang). Also, most modern programs are paradox-proof to some extent, simply throwing an exception (edge first into stomach in this case) instead of crashing.
And Jerry's after-comment is clearly sarcastic.
Отредактировано «Rav-Baam» 13.01.2022 15:38:02
Rav-Baam =90182794 #1468861
I think he simply doesn't know how to start a debugging mode. And JeCLU is perfectly aware and deliberately mocking him.
Rav-Baam =90592179 #1467339
#910556, Well, remembering some of the nutjobs I meet IRL, it wouldn't be hard for her not just to blend in, but be the sanest person in the room.