Глубина заблуждения


Комикс Глубина заблуждения: выпуск №1177
Изображение пользователя Rav-Baam
Ha-ha-ha, I was right!
Изображение анонимного пользователя
А вот это уже не типично!
Изображение пользователя Italian-V
Джерри пытается извиниться? Хм...
Изображение пользователя Dan-Homer
Ну, как я и говори, КЛУри.
Изображение анонимного пользователя
хотя после предыдущей арки всё еще остаётся подозрение, что и этот джерри - копия
Изображение пользователя Rav-Baam
And Olaf has figured it out long ago, judging from his look.
Изображение пользователя Rav-Baam
And now I'm stumped: why Jerry expected them to be dusty?
Изображение анонимного пользователя
Rav-Baam #1435629: just a Russian folk saying, means "look who's here" (more or less the same sarcastic overtones). literal meaning is something like "oh, [someone] arrived so fast that dust didn't fall on them"
Изображение пользователя Rav-Baam
Huh, I haven't learned so much in such a short time since university days.
Изображение анонимного пользователя
" I haven't learned so much in such a short time since university days."
Judjing by my life in Russia it is the most useful and safe way to learn such much in a short time — to read our comic books based on yours movies.
Изображение анонимного пользователя
That expression doesn't mean "came so fast it didn't have time to dust." It is a reference to the times when messengers carried messages on foot or on horseback. If the messenger returned with a bad luck, having spent several days on the road (actually, having spent them in a pub), the boss would grumble, looking at his clean clothes, "he didn't come in dusty". That meant the messenger would get a beating, and he wouldn't do it again.

And the proverb most often says that the man was expected much earlier, and everyone was tired of waiting for him.
Изображение пользователя Rav-Baam
Wow. Ok, this actually makes more sense.
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