Rav-Baam Профиль Публикации Комментарии Подписки

Rav-Baam =96160288 #1445943
I would prefer an announcement and complete hiatus - as much as I like the comic, if the author suffers a stroke from overwork there will be no updates ever, as opposed to a month or two.
Rav-Baam =96500690 #1444687
And Olaf is completely unfazed. I guess, he's seen something like this already.
Rav-Baam =96574597 #1444390
It's a... TRAP!!!
Rav-Baam =96792250 #1443592
Eventually I just resorted to Matlab instead of typing and copy-pasting - if you configure the output function correctly, the result will always have correct format.
Rav-Baam =96792452 #1443591
#1441401, I think they were referencing Odin from "Order of the Stick":
here's the line: https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0999.html
and here's the mind behind this line: https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1145.html

#1443184, more like Human Instrumentality happening.
Rav-Baam =96824665 #1443416
#1443169, Well, I have google.translate, and also am trying to learn the language properly. But I won't try to stop you.
Rav-Baam =97493286 #1441051
#1440792, You know, that sounds like preaching. To the choir.
Rav-Baam =97757146 #1440219
Also, I think Olaf has already factored in JeCLU's powers and figured out how to deal with him anyway. Last time he was caught off-guard simply due to lack of intel.
Rav-Baam =97757236 #1440217
#1440134, These mind-screwing games require an actual mind to screw with, and this is Jerry we're speaking about.
Rav-Baam =97783056 #1440086
Olaf finally speaking.