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Изображение пользователя Rav-Baam
agogin, Now that I remember that Ricky is a chosen one, his admin status actually makes some sense.
Also, I've seen a clueless admin several times - he clearly had no idea what he'd been doing at the time but the tech obeyed him nonetheless, while flipping off everyone else in the room.
Изображение пользователя agogin
Да, похоже на то. "нажал и всё заработало" это привилегия админа )) Либо поведение пользователя при появлении админа. Так что админом может быть Нилан например, хотя Рики больше подходит.
Изображение пользователя Rav-Baam
And now I'm flooded with guesses about that someone's identity.
If I'm right and that was an artificial idiot posing as Jerry, then this might be Jerry himself.
Otherwise - oh, where to start... Pinkie, Neo, that Byzantium purple guy with glasses, the Janitor...
Изображение пользователя suxx-with-legs
Ну, кто ещё хочет уйти?
Изображение пользователя Rav-Baam
So, Ricky is confirmed to be an admin?

#1430080, Looks like a deliberate mix and match. After all, the author is trying to convey their own story, rather than to brag about authenthicity of their fanfic, which it is not anyway.
Actually, it's funnier this way, leaves more to interpretation. For instance, I explain this with Jerry being a cleptomaniac moron on par with Wheatley.
Отредактировано «Rav-Baam» 23.09.2021 15:36:18
Изображение пользователя Rav-Baam
That awkward moment when you're trying to make sense of a random Russian idiom and in the process of googling learn more than during the whole previous year...
Отредактировано «Rav-Baam» 23.09.2021 11:09:49
Изображение анонимного пользователя
Нет ничего более постоянного чем возмущения фанатов франшиз. И тыквы.
Изображение пользователя Dan-Homer
Надо было наоборот бежать за бронёй, дурень.
Изображение пользователя Savil
> и всё-таки, автор, это Tron или Tron::Legacy?
> графика тут надёргана рандомно, куски сюжета вроде бы из Tron, а что будет дальше вообще фиг знает.
Главы сменяются, а комментарии всё равно одни и те же :D
Изображение пользователя Rajs
Было, как минимум, четыре Трона и сюжет каждого шёл как отдельный. Два фильма, один сериал и одна игра.
Изображение анонимного пользователя
и всё-таки, автор, это Tron или Tron::Legacy?
графика тут надёргана рандомно, куски сюжета вроде бы из Tron, а что будет дальше вообще фиг знает.
Изображение пользователя Myrsmith
Это сила анти-пользователя
Изображение пользователя Myrsmith
Изображение анонимного пользователя
I doubt that's Jerry
No hat
Изображение пользователя Rav-Baam
IMO, he's trying to stroke his own ego in several different ways, but he didn't think it through and didn't realize they contradict each other and this can make him look like a moron again and again. Which is typical for him, from what I managed to read already.
Изображение анонимного пользователя
By the way, des anyone have an idea, what Jerry is trying to do?
I have made some theories few weeks ago (https://acomics.ru/~depth-of-delusion/1164#comment1422534 and https://acomics.ru/~depth-of-delusion/1164#comment1422858) but the last few updates crearly show that my assumtions were wrong. Now I just can't understand his motivation.
Изображение пользователя Rav-Baam
#1428518, In the "Legacy" the developer guy starts frequently visiting the virtual world after the first film. He gained admin sysop status there and started doing some experiments. But he also had a life and so made part of his mind into a separate AI, who was looking like him and worked as his stand-in and second in command when he wasn't around. Then some stuff happened, the AI usurped him and the dev guy went into hiding for years. Then dev's son comes looking for his dad to have a talk about abandonment, gets sucked into the virtual world (I think the AI sent him the clue, but cannot remember) and thinks the AI is his father, because it looks exactly like the dev guy when he created the AI and uses this to pretend being him. AI also suckers him unto this racing tournament, but at some point drops the ruse and just goes full-on dictator like it was before son dropped in.
Отредактировано «Rav-Baam» 20.09.2021 13:31:57
Изображение анонимного пользователя
I didn't watched Legacy, but in 1982 movie "real thing" was Main Control Program (that iirc originally was chess AI or something like that), but Sark was just commander and didn't actually did anything until final battle.
Изображение пользователя Rav-Baam
I was talking about Legacy, and I was wrong about details, apparently.

Also, since I remembered the plot of this movie a bit, I think this Jerry is an artificial idiot impostor/decoy, with the real thing actually wearing his hat and hiding elsewhere. The catch will be that they are both jerks and morons in equal measure, and the only difference would be the hat.
Изображение анонимного пользователя
кстати светоциклы тут из Tron::Legacy, а они довольно маневренные, и при некотором количестве пафоса через стену можно перепрыгнуть вместе с мотоциклом...