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Картинка комикс Sunrise
Комикс с преимущественно драконами в главных ролях в средневековом фэнтезийном мире.
Рейтинг: PG   Оригинал
Последний выпуск:

109 выпусков
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КомментарииВсего: 4

Yamiyo =258017367 #582682
Hehe, Thanks! :3
Yamiyo =258025353 #582575
Hi, syntaxis
The reason is because the person that spell check my texts in english is busy with the holiday season so i gave Nightshadow the pages i had already done since she doesn't need them to be perfect on the grammar.
So, yes you have an exclusivity lol. :P
Yamiyo =258962975 #575163
Aw, why so much hate on Keyadrel? I promise you he is not as bad, selfish and idiot as he may seems right now and he will have to answer for his errors.

If you liked Haeko i'm sure that i have one or two future characters that you will enjoy.

Thanks for reading my little comic! :D