Hellbrute Профиль Публикации Комментарии Подписки

Hellbrute =298522663 #115393
Kely, понимаю, и я, равно как и остальные читатели, благодарен вам за вашу работу. А мой предыдущий комментарий был к тому, что "урод" не "притворяется нормальным". ;}
Hellbrute =298601785 #115074
>...There you go.
A softer side of Jasper. Why? Cause he's not JUST a one dimensional asshat.
I always say that he's an asshole, not a dick. He's not the kind of guy who would pick on kids, or people who can't take it, there'd just be no point and nothing really to gain from it.
Just kind of an important thing to think about while creating characters, there has to be more to them than just one side. Jasper is an obnoxious asshole, but he knows how to do his job, or else he wouldn't be in the position he is today. All characters are the main character in their own stories; you are the main character in your own story, of, you know, your life.
Just some brain droppings. Gonna try to be a little more talkative in my news posts ;)
Отредактировано «Hellbrute» 19.11.2014 12:37:04
Hellbrute =299477523 #110568
Hellbrute =301976297 #98902
Hellbrute =315512754 #41668
Всё нормально. Ешьте, что дают, снобы)
Hellbrute =317774013 #33838
Anonymous #33810, от болевого шока не умирают.
Hellbrute =319507757 #27338
Почему не "Сладкий"?