PolarFoxthe PBJB=335050066
поэтому кину оригинал. если поможете с переводом буду благодарен.
short aside from the current story-arc, as it were.
aside from Gogo being nuts and Andy being the reluctant straight man of the two, there hasn't been much in my gallery that shows the two interacting in any way that suggests why the two carry on as they do.
the simple answer is that Gogo makes kick-ass sammiches. it counts for a lot.
probably not as zany a comic as i've ever made (if i've made any zany comics) but it was fun to do something that looks at a different side of these characters. even gogo has downtime.
not that it's especially important, but the bunny on Andy's shirt is Cuddles from Happy Tree Friends. Gogo's skull is a design from Akira Kazama's getup in "Rival Schools". why? cuz.
aside from Gogo being nuts and Andy being the reluctant straight man of the two, there hasn't been much in my gallery that shows the two interacting in any way that suggests why the two carry on as they do.
the simple answer is that Gogo makes kick-ass sammiches. it counts for a lot.
probably not as zany a comic as i've ever made (if i've made any zany comics) but it was fun to do something that looks at a different side of these characters. even gogo has downtime.
not that it's especially important, but the bunny on Andy's shirt is Cuddles from Happy Tree Friends. Gogo's skull is a design from Akira Kazama's getup in "Rival Schools". why? cuz.