RonnieJDio Профиль Публикации Комментарии Подписки

Эрма [Erma] → Последствия. Часть 4/6. Страница 1

Валашская библиотека → Глава. 16 - Страница 895

Валашская библиотека → Глава. 16 - Страница 894

1 комментарий =491042 Рейтинг: R
Эрма [Erma] → Последствия. Часть 3/6. Страница 1

3 комментария =744197 Рейтинг: PG Оригинал
Валашская библиотека → Глава. 16 - Страница 893

This is the most difficult dialogue I ever had to write, and I still don't think it's right.

I've looked at several of the Hatter's quotes from both the original story and the video game, but it was still very hard to imitated it.

But I think it works since it's a reinterpretation of the character.

As a side note I will not be correcting this translation, I don't know how it is from the russian point of view but I will live it as it is since I think it would fit well the character's "madness" :wacko:

4 комментария =749464 Рейтинг: R Оригинал